✔ Skin Retouching
✔ Highlight details are recovered. Examples include a white shirt or a shiny patch of skin.
✔ Shadow details are enhanced. Examples include dark clothing and background objects.
✔ Overly bright areas of the image are darkened to make them consistent with the rest of the image. Examples might include bright flowers or leaves that are not central to the subject or the photograph.
✔ Overall image color is fine tune for optimal accuracy.
✔ Conversions to black-and-white or other tones.
✔ Distracting objects behind the subjects head is removed. Examples include poles, wires, and tree branches in outdoor portrait photography
✔ Sensor dust spots are removed.
✔ Skin blemishes are lightened or removed. This include small moles, pimples, dry skin, sun damage, minor scarring discoloration, large pores, and small groups of freckles.
✔ Prominent birthmarks, scars, or moles are not removed or reduced in prominence.
✔ Unintentional shine, or highlights on nose cheek, and for head areas are reduced or removed.
✔ Wrinkles are lightened but not removed. Wrinkle retouching is typically more aggressive on photographs of female subjects.
✔ Bags under the eyes are lightened.
✔ Prominent vains are lightened.
✔ Nostrils and lips are selectively sharpened.
✔ Eyelashes in pupils are selectively sharpened.
✔ Iris color and contrast are enhanced.
✔ Eyes are whitened and brightened.
✔ Prominent blood vessels are lightened or removed.
✔ Scalp areas slightly visible due to male pattern baldness are darkened.
✔ Scalp areas slightly visible due to male pattern baldness are darkened.
✔ Errant nose, ear, or facial hairs are removed.
✔ Minor flyaway hairs are removed.
✔ Discolor teeth are whitened.
✔ Damage cuticles are repaired and extreme close-ups of featuring hands.